Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is responsible for allowing food to pass through your body.
Your doctor may recommend this process if you are struggling to swallow properly, have consistent acid reflux, have severe indigestion, or are experiencing vomiting for unknown reasons.
Our radiologists have decades of experience diagnosing health problems related to the GI tract, and we are ready to help you find answers you can depend on. Please ask your doctor if this examination would be right for you.
A gastrointestinal study is a comprehensive look at your entire digestive tract. Using an advanced x-ray technique known as fluoroscopy, our team can map out the structure of your internal organs, including your esophagus, stomach and small intestine.
Fluoroscopy is the study of moving body structures – similar to an X-ray “movie” which is viewed live on a TV-like monitor.
During an Upper GI study, our radiologists will search for signs of:
To prepare for your appointment, you may need to:
Instructions will be discussed at the time of booking.
These practices ensure our fluoroscopy machine can provide us with optimal images to provide you with the best possible diagnosis.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will be instructed to change into a hospital gown. Please make sure you remove any dentures or jewelry you may have on, as these can affect the quality of the images.
The technologist will explain the procedure and then position you as required on the x-ray table. You will first be asked to swallow a small number of fizzy gas granules and then to drink a barium solution (a chalky, white mixture), while the radiologist uses fluoroscopy to visualize the anatomy and function of your upper GI tract.
During the examination, your technologist will have you turn in different positions, in order for the radiologist to see all of the important anatomy of your GI tract.
There are different exams your Doctor can order for your upper GI Tract. Some take 10 to 15 minutes, while other exams may take up to a few hours. You will know before your appointment how long your exam might be.
Following the exam, your results will be forwarded to your doctor within 24 hours. It is strongly recommended that you drink plenty of water for the following few days to assist with passing the barium mixture.
This examination must be ordered by your doctor and is covered by your provincial health care.
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